A teacher at Utah Valley State College created a poster advertising his new class; studying humanities from the baroque to the present. On his poster he had a lot of different images including Amor by Caravaggio - one of the most famous artist of the baroque era. BUT because the figure is a male nude (with an 1/8 of an inch penis) he was told that he couldn’t put the poster up. This is a state school first off and I doubt they can censor something that clearly is classical art and not something of a prurient interest . . . that means IT”S NOT PORN! Also there are classes taught here where students are tested on images containing similar nudes. For heavens sake they have nude models in the art department! Then there are the human anatomy classes, and lets not forget literature classes where the human body is described.
The censorship of the image is now waiting for a decision from a VP of the school. It’s not hard folks the answer is you can’t censor this. It’s art! And you think it’s a “naughty” image then you have problems! You are the one with issues. It’s a beautiful painting… just like the Sistine chapel. Just like most art for the last 2000 years
For a school in a town that claims to be filled with people who say they are the possessors of Gods truth they sure do miss the boat about the sacredness of the human body. This image does not defile man, but seeks to inspire or praise the miracle of it. Wonder what they’ll do when they learn the museum puts up paintings of nude ALL THE TIME.
Well if they don’t like that one maybe they’ll let him use St. John the Baptist…with goat!