What time is it? It’s Girls Scout Cookie Time. It’s a lot of other “times” as well, but I have chosen to blog about Girl Scout cookies. I am doing this because I am sick of talking and writing about the evil going on at my job and the stresses of life. I also feel like taking a break from talking about Shiori chan; she a great kid, but there’s more to life than dirty dippers and learning to crawl.
So, cookies it is.
Let us begin with the reason for the season; strong intelligent girls looking for a little support. Unlike the boys, who just ask the bishop to tell the ward to donated to the scouting fund *insert guilt trip here *, the girls of scouting are the rare few (in Utah) who have a life outside of the put-you-in-your-place nature of the young women’s program. Ya, I’m not a fan. This is a fundraiser folks and the money earned from the cookies goes directly to the girls you bought them from. Yes, part of it goes to pay for the actual making of the cookie, but many girls get to go on adventures because of the money earned flogging their guts out selling cookies.
Now onto the cookies themselves.
Everyone has their favorites. Growing up I could never quite understand why my mother stalked up on the shortbreads. I mean come on they’re the plan Janes of the GS cookie world. * shrug * I guess someone has to like them and they do make good ice cream sandwiches and cookie crust crumbs.
I happen to love the Samoas. Which is strange because I hate coconut – it’s a texture thing (between you and me, I love the Keebler version that has cookie crumble bits) But Samoas it is. Followed by those chocolate covered peanut buttery lovelies the Tagalongs.
I’m thinking of trying this year’s new cookie the Dulce de Leche; a milk Carmel chip cookie. Maybe that’s a good new years resolution – I know it’s not the new years anymore, but hey I hadn’t picked on yet. And it’s one I could keep!
There are the obligatory Thin Mints, which some will argue are not minty enough, but I for one think they are perfect. The last thing I want is a cookie that tastes like tooth paste.
If you need help deciding please go here COOKIES! This is a link to the official cookie page. And if you don’t know where to find a girl to buy from they have a place you can submit your zip code and they get a girl in touch with you…like Mormon missionaries only without the conversion baggage and lets face it who wants to eat a Book of Mormon?