It is fall. I know this because all the leaves on my front tree are on the grass, the air has turned chill, and Halloween decorations are cropping up. I love fall. The tart crispness to the air permeating the soul and the feeling of mystery in the very essence of nature. That almost palpable expectation of seeing the inexplicable.
In the fall I think of "Something Wicked This Way Comes" with the Autumn People. I'd like to think that not all Autumn People are wicked. Some are just peculiar.
Fall inspires me to write more. I have so many ideas; perhaps it is the life forces being released back into the universe. As a tree turns dormant its life pours into me.
Baking also takes on a greater urgency. My goal this fall is to create a pumpkin nutmeg roll - like a cinnamon roll only better. And to keep trying to figure out the caramelized apple cheesecake. May the spirit of Fall overtake you and inspire you to new things.