Shiori Stole the cookie. Yep, we put out St Nick's offering of cookies and even some chocolate pretzels for the dear, but our little angel decided to chew chomp crunch before the big guy got a chance.
Christmas was nice. Casual, relatively quiet and over! Shiori's routine was so messed up it is a wonder that she back on track so soon. I learned that when her routine is off mine is off and we both get grumpy. I should not that I've also had an ear infection for some time now. I think it started on my birthday (had a migraine for 3 days) followed by a fever and vertigo. I thought I was getting better, feeling good and getting things done only to crash the next day with near narcolepsy and chills. took my temp again yesterday and it was 100ish degrees. I'm sick of being sick. Never get pregnant - your immune system goes strait to hell.
The new year is nearly here and I guess I should come up with some resolutions to fail at. how about not getting sick, loosing weight, and getting rich quick.