It is now post mid-summer's eve and the season has descended into that time I think of as a preview of Hell. It has turned hot. As in 90+ with it burning the clouds from the sky. My flowers started wilting and so did I.
For example, I went to a family reunion on Saturday - outside. Had a gosh offal head ache the whole time, but got through it. When I got home I downed a tall glass of ice water (and yes I was constantly drinking @ the reunion...but not in THAT way (I wish), wiped myself with a cold wet cloth and sat by and air conditioner. Within minutes I had no head ache and was bright and perky.
As you can see I do not do the heat thing. However, I have been sewing to my little hearts content. I've made a colonial outfit to wear next weekend to the lace demos. I've set up a couple new lace things. crocheted a bag. And, thanks to Rick's furious cleaning, I now have boxes to store fabric in.
I've also been writing on my Briarwood story...that's a tentative title. #2 it Briar Root. Anyway, lots going on and my time is spent doing other things so we'll see when the next post happens.