My hat is off to Lord Voldemort. Never have I seen a basic level spell (shatter) used in such fine form. The Dark Lord may be evil, but when it comes to a wizard battle he’s top of the class. The latest installment of the Harry Potter Movie franchise is the best so far. I out right hated the book, but the movie redeems the plot line nicely. Finally the wizard world becomes real for me.
My poor husband was dragged to it on Friday night, which I think is where my terribly off week started. The depression hit bottom this week when I found that Springville Library has reposted the position I applied for without letting me know that I “didn’t get the job”. HOW TACKLESS IS THAT? This event, along with my husband not being there when I needed him and tongue lashing from another when all I really wanted was to clear the gloom from my head, sent me strait to the bottom.
The universe ripped me open and left me flayed on the salt flats. It’s amazing how being thrown to the wolves brings clarity. I’ve decided there is a God, but he’s not the loving, kind, “comforting” guy that many Christian groups want you to believe. Have you read the Old Testament? How about the New Testament? There’s proof enough for me without having to turn to the Book of Mormon for yet another witness that God doesn’t play nice with the humans. In fact I think he’s akin to the teacher that may know his stuff, but nobody wants to take a class from him. I’ve decided to drop his class. I’m not becoming an atheist by any means, but I’m just not going to expect much from Him and His anymore.
God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of his own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players, to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time.
--Gaiman and Pratchett's "Good Omens"
My Fish is happy as all get out. He’s in a new clean bowl, with plants. He can swim about and hide all he wants. He’s next to the TV on his own little shelf. The cat is intrigued. We call it Tama TV. She just sits and watches him from the couch. Maybe I’ll post a picture.
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