Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Science Projects

Long time no post, but I have a good excuse and a note from my doctor.

I've been pregnant, however, I am not any more! I have experienced a whole new level of pain . . . EVIL Pain! My epidural wore off for the nasty part right at the end. I felt EVERYTHING! Kathryn will be an only child. A well loved, but only child. I could go off about things now with her around, like how the next most evil pain to birth is breast feeding. Thank Heaven for bottles and breast pumps. Then there is the lack of sleep . . . *hiss* BUT I won't.

Anyway, many of you have asked for pictures and I'll send stills of things upon request, but in the mean time enjoy this little video. Kathryn and I made it today for her Dad.

Turn your sound on.

1 comment:

Becky said...

LOL!!! I loved the music. And may I just say, you two made a dang cute baby! She is sooo beautiful - can't wait to meet the little halfing in person!