It was fall break this last week. A number of lovely things happened. first is that my little bug slept through the night TWICE. *cheer* This also means that I got good sleep. course this didn't deture me from taking a four hour nap on sunday. The other lovely thing was that I now have a loveseat and a recliner rocker. This brings the 'Needs" to curtains in the front room. Of course there is a huge list that must happen before Thanksgiving when the relatives will be here.
Rick pulled up all my Halloween decorations this weekend from the basement. OH, we picked up pumpkins too. "Freeeeedom, Freemdomm, freedom". Decorating must happen this week and carving pumpkins. I love Halloween! Oh man I've got to pick up toys and candy and get the bags of fun made.
The only thing that was not good about this weekend was church. *makes a face* It was horrible. I've come to the conclusion that the spirit has left the building. Sacrument was loud and useless. I could plug my ears and STILL hear the speaker. Not that she was worth listening to. Her topic was humility, but she rambled on about anything but that and went over time! Apparently you must have food storage to be humble. My husband leaned over and said "so much about my students makes sense now." what he meant is that they don't stay on topic, ramble, and communicate poorly on top of having no sense of time. The ward choir was like listening to dogs in heat and the last speaker was a newly home missionary who went on and on about how great "numbers" are. *roll eyes* I told Rick that I give him less than a year or 2 before real life makes him bitter.
*sigh* I miss being spiritually feed at church. I really think I'm going to become more Buddhist than LDS. I get more out of it.
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