The Season is once again upon us. That time of the year when shops fill with an overabundance of disposable gifts. Trinkets and nick-knacks that will inevitably end up in a drawer, box or bin filled with the “gee, thank you” gifts of past celebrations. I am not saying that all gifts are bad or that the giving of objects is wasteful, but the last thing anyone needs is another automatic match lighter or a clean-o-matic or some such thing.
My Daughter has only recently mastered smiling, the giggle is a work in progress, and she can only sort-of to hold her bottle. Needless to say, holding a pencil and writing a wish list to Santa may be a bit difficult. But, this year will be my daughter's first Christmas and I’m sure that Santa has already added her to his Good list, which means that a stocking must be found and a wish list made.
I have spent quite some time listening to her and her wish list is as follows:
To be greeted with a smile when I wake
To be rocked when I’m sleepy
To be fed when I’m hungry
To get that last burp up
To have a clean bottom
To not spit up on Mommy and Daddy (or Grandma and Grandpa)
To be swaddled and kept warm
To have my tears wiped away
To be comforted when frightened
To get better at peek-a-boo
To have an endless supply of clean binkies
To play in the water (and pretend I’m not taking a bath)
To play with my toys
To hold my bottle with out help
To hold onto Mom's hair
To lick Dad's popsicle
To make bubbles with my spit
To gurgle my R's for as long as I want
To learn to crawl
To listen to beautiful music
To be kissed
To be hugged
To be tickled
To be read to
To be taken for long walks
To be shown the wonder of the world and the vastness of the universe
To be Loved unconditionally
1 comment:
Ok, that is it. You made me cry:) Lovely little Shiori makes me smile. Happy to see you happy. You caught the essence of the season ... I am excited for you to have your first family Christmas with the little one.
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