Two flats of Alyssum, some Begonias, a Poppy or two, Delphiniums, Columbine and three big Lavenders all sit in there pots in the car port because it not only rained it SNOWED this weekend. *Very large sigh* I had wanted to start in on my cottage garden, but was most thoroughly thwarted by the weather.
My lovely husband and daughter went with me Saturday morning as I poked my nose around a number of nurseries. The last one they stayed in the car as the Boo was asleep and it was pouring down rain (and getting cold). I got some chives for putting in with the roses and a couple of other things, but I’ll be back. The man there said I was brave to be out in it, but I’d like to think I’m determined. Besides being the only one there I didn’t have to fight to get around.
Wish it had been one of those warm spring rains, but no it was a clawing to stay winter rain that snowed. People had to scrape their windshields this morning. How wrong is that?
Well, it’s to remain cold for the week while New York and the East are in the 90’s *sigh* wish we could split the difference.
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The comment should be linked to my blog, but just so you have it. http://mdsorensen.blogspot.com/
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