Thursday, March 14, 2013

Keeping Up With Life

Life goes by at a dizzying speed.  You don't think that when you are trapped at a desk behind a computer or some other such thing.  However, how often to you wake up and think 'wow, were did this month go?'

I looked at the calendar today and realized it had been a little over two months since Dad past away. Where did those moths go?  Two months of not so great sleep and odd dreams.  Two months of sitting in MY chair puttering on lace and ignoring housework.  two moths of not feeling "up" to much.  No wonder I have been grumpy.  Okay, the extreme cold weather and some run-ins with people contributed.

But things are thawing out now.  Both in the weather and in my soul.  I went out and worked in the garden Sunday; pruned my roses, raked out some flower beds, and thought up some outside projects.

It was good to get out.  (and not have to deal with people)

I want to shake of this winter coat of mental lethargy and get out into nature.  My poor husband is going to find my poking and prodding him into the wilderness this summer.  I'm tiered of not living.  I want to keep up with life by living it.  By loving it.  Life is too short.   Would that we could live a thousand years and see the world for what it is; beautiful.


Blondepoetess said...

Sounds like a worthy and understandable goal. Best of luck with all your plans

Blondepoetess said...

Sounds like a worthy and understandable goal. Best of luck with all your plans

Lorrie said...

I want to thank you for your kind words on my post about feeling restless. Yes, it is part of getting to spring. I appreciate your advice and the suggestion of authors to look up. Thomas Merton has been on my list for a few months; perhaps I'll search for something by him. Waiting through these seasons is hard, but there is much to learn in them as well.

I have been scrolling through a few of your posts and I'm sorry that you recently lost your father. What a huge hole that would leave. As you've written to me, embrace this time. Grieving has a role to play in life.

Again, thank you.