Monday, September 17, 2007

The Anti-Color

There are a lot of wonderful colors out there. A lovely Prussian blue is one of my favorites also, alizarin crimson, Payne’s gray, Naples yellow, and hookers green. But Orange! I used to like the color orange; I think out of pity, but it really isn’t a good color. It’s the color that hunters wear like a big sign that says “hey idiot, I’m not a deer”.

It does have nice uses; pumpkins, Buddhist robes (that’s technically Saffron), oranges, Ichigo’s hair (but it really could have been any color) and I’m sure a lot of other nice things, but NOT on web pages.

Have you ever tried to read text printed on orange? It’s pure evil.
I’ve been working on a story and was doing research about Nimrod/Gilgamesh and found a rather helpful sight, but the background was this orange color that gave me a head ache, which I still have! Orange = eye strain!

The story is coming along nicely. I have a villain and a reason for him to go after the man character. Now all I need is a plot. *laugh * I’ve got until Saturday to get a few more pages written. And I want to get another 2 pages done on Dewin’s story. I’ve got to find more energy and Zen-ness to get through the days.

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