Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Who stole the cookie?

Shiori Stole the cookie. Yep, we put out St Nick's offering of cookies and even some chocolate pretzels for the dear, but our little angel decided to chew chomp crunch before the big guy got a chance.

Christmas was nice. Casual, relatively quiet and over! Shiori's routine was so messed up it is a wonder that she back on track so soon. I learned that when her routine is off mine is off and we both get grumpy. I should not that I've also had an ear infection for some time now. I think it started on my birthday (had a migraine for 3 days) followed by a fever and vertigo. I thought I was getting better, feeling good and getting things done only to crash the next day with near narcolepsy and chills. took my temp again yesterday and it was 100ish degrees. I'm sick of being sick. Never get pregnant - your immune system goes strait to hell.

The new year is nearly here and I guess I should come up with some resolutions to fail at. how about not getting sick, loosing weight, and getting rich quick.

Monday, December 7, 2009

More Snow

More cute Shiori video

Wonderful Time

The First Snow Day

Monday, November 16, 2009

Flash Mob Art

I love this new take on "happenings". The mob art gatherings which occurred in the 60's and 70's. I think that they've taken on a whole wonderful level of innocent fun as opposed to "serious" art that has become politically charged and angry. If this is the future of art I'm happily okay with it. Art should be about uplifting the human soul either through childlike fun or through profound beauty. Offense is not a quality of true art; in my opinion.

Here is one of the best Flash Mobs I've seen. Enjoy and let yourself smile. Thanks Jo Ann for the link.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Season

Love came down at Christmas;
Love all lovely, love divine;
Love was born at Christmas,
Stars and angels gave the sign.

I know I'm "rushing" things, but honestly it's only 7 weeks till Christmas. I want to enjoy the season. Right now it's 70+ degrees out, but next week is in the 40 so I'll be the weird one on the block with Decorations up already, but I don't mind kick-strting the festivities. Besides I take pride in not freezing my extremities off to hang a few lights.

I also plan on baking my guts out this year. I've already started this with a not so failed, but not perfect attempt at pumpkin sweet rolls. They turned out too dry and I'm thinking over what to about it. I'll be making caramel corn soon, as well as chocolate pecan pie.

I hope your festive mood starts soon and lasts to 12th night.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


It is fall. I know this because all the leaves on my front tree are on the grass, the air has turned chill, and Halloween decorations are cropping up. I love fall. The tart crispness to the air permeating the soul and the feeling of mystery in the very essence of nature. That almost palpable expectation of seeing the inexplicable.

In the fall I think of "Something Wicked This Way Comes" with the Autumn People. I'd like to think that not all Autumn People are wicked. Some are just peculiar.

Fall inspires me to write more. I have so many ideas; perhaps it is the life forces being released back into the universe. As a tree turns dormant its life pours into me.

Baking also takes on a greater urgency. My goal this fall is to create a pumpkin nutmeg roll - like a cinnamon roll only better. And to keep trying to figure out the caramelized apple cheesecake. May the spirit of Fall overtake you and inspire you to new things.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Prize!

Wow, Obama has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. I'm stunned. It is wonderful, but at the same time daunting. I continue to have high hopes for him and his work. I am truly sad that those I live around here in Utah can't let go of their hate mongering long enough to see the good he is trying to bring to the world. It is sad that those outside of our country can see it more than most Americans. When did we stop being an noble people? When did we stop seeing the good in each other?

Is it too "early" as some think? I hope not. I hope that this vote of confidence will strengthen Mr. Obama and will help him in the darkest hours when his very people rage against him. Doing what is right and what is good is often not what is popular. Christ Himself did what was best for all man kind and was killed for it. May we all strive to be worthy of this award.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Walking as requested

Here she is walking. It snowed while we were out filming.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Videos As Promised

After much gnashing of teeth at the PC (I'm so a Mac person now) I finally got the video ready for upload. So, here are three videos. Enjoy and Happy Fall

You got to know when to hold'm ...

How many monkeys jumping on the bed?

Great day for up

Friday, August 28, 2009

Chicken Bites

Boo got a bunch of vaccinations on Monday including Chicken Pox. Last night she spent some time outside in the mosquito filled evening. Today she has red bumps on her face and arms and is a bit grumpy. I am now on Pox watch. If she gets more she's got the pox if not . . . damn mosquitos.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Token Post

This little post is to just say that I have lots of pics and video of the Boo and news, BUT the bathroom is a wall-les whole right now and must be put back together again before anything else really happens. 2 weeks till School starts and the Boo's 1rst birthday...arg so much to do and so little time.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

That Time of Hell Again

I loath July in Utah, August as well. These two months are the most evil of the year. The sun eviscerates you then leaves you in a mummy like state on the blacktop to shrivel into ash and MAYBE blow away. Don't count on it though, a breeze is hard to come by. It burns the clouds from the sky and sucks even the will to live from your soul. There is a reason no one wanted to live here before the Mormons arrived. Sun, salt, and sagebrush; where's the livability in that. Ya, there are worse places, but I'm not living there for a good reason. Utah is bad enough. Not even a spec of moisture. It's evil. I was out just a couple of days ago, a quick run to the grocers. By the time I was back my eyeballs had melted. Like that scene in Raiders of the Lost Arc*. I think I'll start answering the phone "Ninth circle of hell, head demon speaking".

*I would have put an image of this, but it's kind of gross and my Mom reads the bog.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Stoned Wallabies Make Crop Circles

Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop circles as they hop around "as high as a kite", a government official has said.

No officer I don't have anything in my pocket - Really. I know nothing about a poppy field. Please don't tarsier me.

Rick shared this story with me. A lot of the comments were ROFL funny too. Enjoy


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Forthcoming Joy In This Economy

As this economy slinks ever more hell-ward I have been spring cleaning both my house and my habits. As a single income family that hopes to one day become rich off darling husband's teaching job we have batten-downed the financial hatches. In reality this means that I have to be picky with my purchases of pure joy.

I must limit my book intake to those authors I truly love and can't do without. Robin McKinley, Carol Berg, Mercedes Lackey, and Charlaine Harris to name a few. This makes the release of a new books a bit like what Christmas should be (without the fights). The impatiens wonder, the barely contained excitement, and the staying up till ungodly hours reading once the box has been torn asunder.

The above book cover is one of those kind of joys. I hadn't heard a thing for years and just this week I found this and a pre-order on Amazon. I think it will be the last book in a series by Megan Turner who received the Newberry for "The Thief" (book one). If you haven't read these books - YOU SHOULD! They are some of the best YA literature being written today; and not a vampire in sight!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009


First slide ride. I think she liked it.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Shivering Plants

Two flats of Alyssum, some Begonias, a Poppy or two, Delphiniums, Columbine and three big Lavenders all sit in there pots in the car port because it not only rained it SNOWED this weekend. *Very large sigh* I had wanted to start in on my cottage garden, but was most thoroughly thwarted by the weather.

My lovely husband and daughter went with me Saturday morning as I poked my nose around a number of nurseries. The last one they stayed in the car as the Boo was asleep and it was pouring down rain (and getting cold). I got some chives for putting in with the roses and a couple of other things, but I’ll be back. The man there said I was brave to be out in it, but I’d like to think I’m determined. Besides being the only one there I didn’t have to fight to get around.

Wish it had been one of those warm spring rains, but no it was a clawing to stay winter rain that snowed. People had to scrape their windshields this morning. How wrong is that?

Well, it’s to remain cold for the week while New York and the East are in the 90’s *sigh* wish we could split the difference.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Internet is for Hate and Daisies

I took a week off from work recently and got a taste of life as a stay at home mom. This was rather pleasant and I’m looking forward to being free of the politics of academia. I was however nearly totally confined to the house as it snowed . . . a lot. With the drizzle in the air and a baby learning to crawl I opted for hanging out with my Boo and fiddling with my new Macbook while the flower buds huddled together for warmth*. We have wireless so I tried it out, totting my little ‘puter around the house as I kept track of the Boo’s needs. Great idea right? Sort of…

The Internet, while a terrific place to find images for art projects and buy cheep books, is a wasteland of negativity and spite. Comments on news articles, blogs, even Amazon reviews have turned into hate fests. Just skimming over some of it made me feel abused. Have humans always been this mean? Men maybe, if the caveman image of beating a woman over he head is to be believed… and the crusades … and the dropping of The Bomb. *waves hand and moves on*

I was a little bewildered at the places I came across disrespectful banter. Even sites that I have found nice or tolerable in the past were in rare form last week. Has this digital medium somehow erased all the advice of Miss Manners or Dear Abby? Does the facelessness of Facebook give malicious carte blanche to the hoards?

I think it has. One more thing to guard my little girl against. I for one will be spending less time in the digital void and more time in the garden…how about some Daisies…Daisies are the friendliest of flowers don’t you think? Yes, Daisies and Marigolds. And Lemonade to whomever stops by.

*poor little tulips

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Quorum of the 12 Apostates

In reading the news this morning I came across an article about the newspaper at BYU having to be pulled because the front page had a picture of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the 12 with the caption “Quorum of the Twelve Apostates”. I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

One Maker of Velvet Flowers

I am a list maker. To Do. To Get. To Fix. To Find. To Start. To Finish. To Go. To Be. Scribbled on post-its or in the silent sections of the soul. Life’s changes have a way of taking all the lists tossing them in a hat, dumping them out in the backyard during a windstorm and still expecting you to get things done.

Sadly more and more of late I find myself unable to go on. A depression grips me as I watch the metaphorical bits swirl about; disappearing over fences or sticking in mud never to be readable again. Loosing the lists and loosing a little dream.

A very big and scary change is coming in my life. I will become a stay at home mom. No office, no commute, no dead lines or politics. Sounds great, right? However, I’ll have no income and not circle of friends.

Many people have made suggestions for stay at home jobs, but I’ve been forced to be truthful with myself; I have a tiny bit of talent and a whole lot of time. I’m a maker of velvet flowers, which are nice in a way, but not practical, nor truly an art. Maybe if I learn a lot of them . . . perhaps I should make a list:

tatting - learn
bookbinding - improve
bonsai – try not to kill one tree this year
growing real roses – buy a new kind
painting – finish one.
baking – learn two new recipes

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's That Time Again

What time is it? It’s Girls Scout Cookie Time. It’s a lot of other “times” as well, but I have chosen to blog about Girl Scout cookies. I am doing this because I am sick of talking and writing about the evil going on at my job and the stresses of life. I also feel like taking a break from talking about Shiori chan; she a great kid, but there’s more to life than dirty dippers and learning to crawl.

So, cookies it is.

Let us begin with the reason for the season; strong intelligent girls looking for a little support. Unlike the boys, who just ask the bishop to tell the ward to donated to the scouting fund *insert guilt trip here *, the girls of scouting are the rare few (in Utah) who have a life outside of the put-you-in-your-place nature of the young women’s program. Ya, I’m not a fan. This is a fundraiser folks and the money earned from the cookies goes directly to the girls you bought them from. Yes, part of it goes to pay for the actual making of the cookie, but many girls get to go on adventures because of the money earned flogging their guts out selling cookies.

Now onto the cookies themselves.

Everyone has their favorites. Growing up I could never quite understand why my mother stalked up on the shortbreads. I mean come on they’re the plan Janes of the GS cookie world. * shrug * I guess someone has to like them and they do make good ice cream sandwiches and cookie crust crumbs.

I happen to love the Samoas. Which is strange because I hate coconut – it’s a texture thing (between you and me, I love the Keebler version that has cookie crumble bits) But Samoas it is. Followed by those chocolate covered peanut buttery lovelies the Tagalongs.

I’m thinking of trying this year’s new cookie the Dulce de Leche; a milk Carmel chip cookie. Maybe that’s a good new years resolution – I know it’s not the new years anymore, but hey I hadn’t picked on yet. And it’s one I could keep!

There are the obligatory Thin Mints, which some will argue are not minty enough, but I for one think they are perfect. The last thing I want is a cookie that tastes like tooth paste.

If you need help deciding please go here COOKIES! This is a link to the official cookie page. And if you don’t know where to find a girl to buy from they have a place you can submit your zip code and they get a girl in touch with you…like Mormon missionaries only without the conversion baggage and lets face it who wants to eat a Book of Mormon?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Newbery in the Graveyard

I'm simply reposting an entry from Neil Gaiman's Blog cuz it made me laugh and smile with glee. It's a GREAT book by the way (thanks My Love for giving to me for Christmas)

Monday, January 26, 2009
(Insert amazed and delighted swearing here)

Posted by Neil at 8:14 AM
The great thing about having a dead day in a hotel after a long junket, and this Monday was one of those, is you have nothing to get up for. So I had a very long late lazy bath in the small hours of the morning, and then stayed up talking to a friend on the phone, and then I read...

I drifted off to sleep with a Jack Benny show playing on the iPod around 3:30 am. I set the alarm for 11.00 am because I didn't have anything to get up early for, and planned to wake a little before the alarm, and start writing. I closed my eyes...

And then the phone was ringing. I think it may have been ringing for some time. In fact, I thought as I surfaced, it had already rung and then stopped ringing once, which meant someone was calling to tell me something. Probably the hotel was burning down. I picked up the phone. It was my assistant, Lorraine, sleeping over at my place with a convalescent dog.

"Merrilee called, and she thinks someone is trying to get hold of you," she told me. I told her what time it was (viz. five thirty in the bloody morning here is she out of her mind some of us are trying to sleep here you know.) She said she knew what time it was in LA, and that Merrilee, who is my literary agent, sounded really definite that this was important.

I got out of bed. Checked voicemail. No, no-one was trying to get hold of me. I called home, to tell Lorraine that it was all nonsense -- "It's okay," she said. "They called here. They're on the other line. I'm giving them your cellphone number."

I was not yet sure what was going on or who was trying to do what. It was 5:45 in the morning. No-one had died, though, I was fairly certain of that. My cell-phone rang.

"Hello. This is Rose Trevino. I'm chair of the ALA Newbery Committee..." Oh. Newbery. Right. Cool. I may be an honors book or something. That would be nice, "and I have the voting members of the Newbery Committee here, and we want to tell you that your book..."

"THE GRAVEYARD BOOK," said fourteen loud voices, and I thought, I may be still asleep right now, but they probably don't do this, probably don't call people and sound so amazingly excited, for Honors books....

"...just won..."

"THE NEWBERY MEDAL" they chorused. They sounded really happy. I checked the hotel room because it seemed very likely that I was still fast asleep. It all looked reassuringly solid.

You are on a speakerphone with at least 14 teachers and librarians and suchlike great, wise and good people, I thought. Do not start swearing like you did when you got the Hugo. This was a wise thing to think because otherwise huge, mighty and fourletter swears were gathering. I mean, that's what they're for. I think I said, You mean it's Monday?

"You can tell your agent and your publisher, but no-one else," said Rose. "And it will be announced in about an hour."

And I fumfed and mumbled and said something of a thankyouthankyouthankyouokaythiswasworthbeingwokenupfor nature.

Then I phoned my agent and my publisher, both of whom seemed to have intuited my news already through secret methods, but it may have just been that I was calling them on this particular Monday morning (and, in retrospect, someone must have phoned someone to get my home phone number). (Merrilee-my-agent: "You didn't start swearing, did you?" Me: "No." Her: "Oh good.")

I called Maddy, spoke to her, and she was beyond delighted, and I told her to try not to tell anybody about it, and told her lovely mum, who was thrilled for me.

Then I got a phone call from Elyse, Harperchildren publicist, wanting to know if I could fly in from LA to New York to be on the Today Show tomorrow morning. I said sure. I mean, what else was I going to say?

So I'm checking out of this hotel two days early, and I'm typing this with the ALA webcast playing in the background. They haven't got to the Newbury award yet. I'm not sure that they're actually going to say The Graveyard Book when they get to the Newberies bit. I might have imagined all of this, or they may have to do a sudden recount or something. But I think it probably happened. I mean, it's now 7:20 am and I'm drinking tea and blinking happily at the world. Spoke to Holly. Spoke to Mike.

Okay. They just said it. I can post this.

Labels: God I love librarians, Newbery Medal

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Here is a little video of Shiori practicing one of her two new talents. The other is hooting like and owl. Enjoy.

Oh, and here's a cute picture.