Thursday, June 17, 2010

Caramel Corn and tatting

I made Caramel Corn last night which turned out wonderfully. I also tatted last night which turned out, but was a pain in the butt.

I'll be teaching my friend Stacy to tat this week and I hope I don't confuse her royaly. I tried the other night, but it was a disaster. Not my trying to teach her, but that the evening was a bit crowded.

The DHs playing Axes and Allies in the same room, two daughters watching Toy Story who came in every commercial break to "check" on the parents, and a phone call of mild doom/Birthday wishes from the family. Did I mention it was my HD's birthday? Well it was. He at least got cake and ice cream. It's funny to me how plans never work out when it comes to things like birthdays, weddings, and funerals.

This weekend is suposed to be warmer and I've made no plans so it's looking fabulous already. Now all I have to do is find a Father's Day gift.

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